I'm a BADD coach and I hope everyone reading this is a BADD coach. The BADD that I am speaking about today is an acronym that stands for:
Shooters need to be BADD, but I also believe coaches need to have these qualities as well. This especially works when teaching shooting. If you lack any of these aspects while teaching the art of shooting, chances are your players will revert back to their old shooting form.
Let's focus on each of these aspects of BADD and see if you are currently using them in your day to day coaching. Please understand that BADD is not just about the Pro Shot Shooting System, but it can also be used for any basketball fundamental or everyday functions in life (marriage, raising children or your job).
To take from an often used quote: "If you don't believe it, you can't achieve it." Belief is huge in coaching and nowhere is it more important than in the art of shooting. Here are the four areas that you must believe in if you want your players to be accurate shooters:
1) Shooting is important.
2) Shooting mechanics are important.
3) Players CAN improve in shooting.
4) The shooting aspects that you are teaching is working.
If you don't believe in any of the four aspects above, it will be impossible to teach your players to be accurate shooters. As a coach, you must "buy in" 100% and believe.
True belief is not about "buying in" half the time. Hall of Fame coach Pat Riley once said, ""There are only two options regarding commitment. You're either IN or you're OUT. There is no such thing as life in-between." I also believe this can be said in regards to believing as well.
Once you are a true believer in what you are teaching, it is now time to teach the Shooting System and components. If you need information on the Pro Shot System, I have a free 150 page book "Pro Shooting Secrets" available online and also have 60 plus videos that explains the Pro Shot System in detail. I am also available for questions on how to teach a component or certain aspect in the Pro Shot System through email (
proshotsystem@yahoo.com) or phone (866-892-NETS).
The best coaches are detailed oriented. I once asked former UCLA point guard Andre McCarter what made John Wooden so great as a coach. Andre smiled and said, "That's easy. His attention to detail. When we ran the break we had to do it perfectly. Six inches one way or the other way and few would notice, but Wooden would."
When you look at the greatest coaches over time, you will notice that one characteristic is always noticeable. Think of the greatest coaches and managers of all-time-Tony Larusso, Bob Knight, Pat Summit, Mike Krzyzewski, Vince Lombardi, Red Auerbach, Phil Jackson and you will clearly see that they were all detailed as a leader.
When teaching the Pro Shot System or any other system (offense or defense), a coach must be detailed about how he/she is teaching the skill. As important, when a player is doing it wrong it is crucial for that coach to immediately identify the problem and correct it. Having great attention to detail is an important quality that coaches need to have.
Last but definitely not least is discipline. This may be as big or bigger than any component listed. A coach that lacks discipline is basically allowing the "inmates to run the asylum."
We have had some coaches that have implemented the Pro Shot System with their teams and many programs have gone on to break team shooting and scoring records. I get emails all the time that speak of incredible shooting improvement. Then there are other teams that don't improve like they should.
So why does one team improve more than the other team. Is our instruction different? Are we teaching shooting aspects differently to one team than to the other? Of course not.
The main reason for one team showing great improvement and the other NOT showing great improvement is usually based on discipline from the coach. Players will generally only change a habit over time if they realize by not doing it correctly there will be disciple and possible further ramifications.
Recently I spoke with various coaches who are BADD, use the Pro Shot System and have excellent shooting teams. I asked, "So why do you have so much success in teaching this?" They all responded that they believe in the System, they teach the System, they are detailed, but the biggest factor was that they stayed on their players constantly. Many mentioned, "If they don't shoot it how we teach it, they run or do push ups." Some even went so far to say, "If they don't do it our way, they don't play."
I truly believe disciplined coaches succeed in teaching and implementing the System and "nice guys" that lack discipline don't succeed. Last year I had a coach from Texas called me and said, "My girls aren't doing the System. I responded, "What are their penalties if they don't do it?" He paused and finally said, "There are no penalties. I just remind them." That coach unfortunately didn't understand that his players would not change because he lacked discipline.